Chiropractic Adjustments

An adjustment is a skilled manouvre which is applied to a spinal or peripheral joint in a quick but controlled pressure into a specific direction. The aim of the adjustment is to restore and correct a movement dysfunction in our skeletal system. Most people experience instant relief after an adjustment as it removes impingements, alleviates pressure, and increases joint space.

Hands on soft tissue Release

Soft tissue release can be translated to massage, however we provide specific releasing techniques to targeted muscles, tendons, ligaments or fascia. Below are a few examples of soft tissue 'releases': Trigger point release | Active and Passive release | Cross Friction.

Dry Needling

Often called Western Acupuncture or Medical Acupuncture, dry needling is the use of acupuncture needles help reduce muscular trigger points. Dry needling also produces positive neurophysilogical responses that help reduce pain and reduce muscular tension, without any chemicals.

Sports and Kinesio taping

We use various taping techniques including rigid taping for joint support or Kinesio taping to stimulate under-active muscles and to help the drainage of inflamed areas.


Hypervolt is a percussion massager that delivers three speeds of rapid percussion to relieve tension and accelerate warm-up and recovery. Percussive stimulation provides comprehensive relief by reaching both the superficial and deep muscle fibers. Helping to relieve muscle pain, stiffness and soreness.

Education is the key

We use education to empower our patients. We use 3d4 Medical anatomy app to add to the visual experience and certainly helps patients understand to understand their condition thus allowing for a better recovery

High quality Supplements

Our clinic work with recognised top manufacturers and high technology in the field of natural health products and Healthcare Professional education. We ensure that we provide products that our patients can trust for quality and effectiveness.

Foot Levelers

Foot Levelers are custom made foot orthotics a that improves balance and increase functionality. There are all type of orthotics to fit every shoe style. From high heels to joggers, thongs to work shoes, foot levelers has the answer for your feet.

Remedial Massage

Remedial massage is a treatment of the body that can help to repair damage to muscles, tendons and joints. This treatment has some benefits: reduced stress, improve the recovery of soft tissue injuries, reduced chronic pain symptoms, corrects postural issues, relieves muscle tension, increases blood circulation, increases mobility, improves sleep and concentration and improves athletic recovery and performance

Lymphatic Drainage

Lymphatic regeneration is a manual massage technique that aims to stimulate the lymphatic system to eliminate excess fluids from the body. Helps fight and prevent swelling and cleaning of liquids; prevents the formation of cellulite; eliminates as body use; collaborates in the healing process of surgeries and in the recovery of plastic surgeries; improves blood, venous and lymphatic circulation; reduces pain

Swedish Massage

Swedish massage is a whole-body therapeutic massage treatment that works the soft tissues and muscles to help restore health creating a calming and balancing effect on the nervous system. Helps the body improve circulation, soothe your muscles and make you feel more relaxed.